Social networking sites have transformed the way we communicate and connect. By now most internet-savvy companies are already using (and reaping the benefits of) SMO or Social Media Optimization. For those who are still unaware of this rising global phenomenon, here is a heads-up on what SMO entails.
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SMO is the process of creating multiple points of access or visibility by utilizing the traffic leverage of already existing social networking sites for brand/service promotion and in-turn improve the bottom line. In simple terms, SMO (social media optimization) is the utilization of sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to create a buzz about your company.
SMO (social media optimization) is a process that not only requires innovation but it also requires continuous dynamism.
7 Tips for social media optimization

SMO used effectively can have a tremendous impact on the traffic you generate. Here are some handy tips for efficiently using SMO to your advantage –
First and foremost, set up fan pages or company groups on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
Inform, engage and provide information that people can actually use through these platforms
Set up accounts on image sharing sites like Photobucket for image sharing and optimal tagging
Create accounts on social bookmarking sites like Reddit for sharing additional information
Maintain blogs on popular blogging sites
Innovate and communicate for retention and increase of members on social media channels and finally
BE ACTIVE! Regular updates on all social sites are imperative.
Whether you want to be a part of this social bandwagon or not is not really a choice now! The digitization of this world has brought with it newer ways of connecting with people and changed the way we market and promote.
-Adapt if you want to move ahead.
-Stay fresh if you want to stay viable
. -Use SMO effectively if you want to succeed in this digital world!